Next Sunday (June 28th) at 11:30 am, we are planning to have a drive up worship service. This means that we will have church service in the church parking lot. You can stay in your car or bring your own chair and sit on the lawn. The reason for the drive up worship service is because this will be Xf Lukas’ last Sunday as our pastor. Since we were unable to do the celebration for Xf Lukas and his family, a few of the Admin Council board members will be presenting Xf and Nxf Lukas with gifts of appreciation. If you are able to, please come join us and thank Xf Lukas, Nxf Lukas and their family for their dedication and commitment to our church. Please note that this is weather dependent. If it rains, we will just have worship on Facebook like we have been doing for the last couple of months.